Zabasearch Intelius

We found the owner of (304) 729-6087

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Person icon

Helen Summers

Age Birth Info
93 1928
Line Type Voip
Carrier Cebridge Telecom Wv Llc Dba Suddenlink Communications - Wv (Suddenlink Communications)
Location Charleston Zone 5, Wv
Time Zone Et

One of the owners of (304) 729-6087 is between 90-100 years old. We have records for 3 possible previous addresses for the owner, 5 other possible phone numbers, and 2 possible related persons connected to this individual.

May Also Go By

  • Helen Summers
  • Helen S Summers
  • Helen Spurlock Summers

Possible Images

  • No images found

Associated Social Media

  • No social media found

Professional Licenses

  • No professional licenses found



  • No educations found

5 Possible Previous Phone Numbers

5 Possible Emails


3 Locations

Most Recent
  • 313 Oak Tree Ln, South Charleston, Wv 25309-9600
Possible Previous Locations
  • 313 Oak Tree Ln, South Charleston, Wv 25309-9600
  • 927 Lexington Dr, Saint Albans, Wv 25177-3914
  • 440 Mehlenbacher Rd, Belleair, Fl 33756-1632

Additional information on the owner

You can run a reverse phone lookup using the Intelius search engine to learn more about the owner of the number calling you. Intelius phone reports can include when available, name, age, address, possible associates, original line type, and phone carrier.

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