Zabasearch Intelius

Area Code 573

What is the 573 area code?

State Missouri
Time Zone Central Time

The 573 area code is located in the state of Missouri, and according to Intelius data, covers roughly 1,435,250 phone numbers. Jefferson City is the largest city within this area code with a population of about 180,005.

Have you received a call from a number with a 573 area code? Figure out who is calling you by performing a reverse phone lookup search. Intelius can provide you with a phone report that includes (when available) original line type and carrier, the number owner’s name, last known address and past addresses, age, possible relatives, and more.

Top cities in the (573) area code

  1. Jefferson City
    County Boone
    Population 180,005
  2. Sullivan
    County Franklin
    Population 103,670
  3. Saint Louis Maryland Heights
    County Cape Girardeau
    Population 78,753
  4. Taos
    County Cole
    Population 76,796

573 Stats

Number of Prefixes
Number of Cellphones
Number of Land Lines

Area Code (573) Prefixes

County Cape Girardeau
City Saint Louis Maryland Heights
Carrier T-Mobile
Type Wireless, PCS, Cellular
County Phelps
City Manchester
Carrier AT&T Mobility
Type Wireless, PCS, Cellular
County Phelps
City Saint Louis
Carrier U.S. Cellular
Type Wireless, PCS, Cellular
County Dunklin
City Saint Louis Jefferson
Carrier TELNYX
Type Landline
County Cape Girardeau
City Saint Louis Jefferson
Carrier TELNYX
Type Landline
County Crawford
City Northwest Twp
Carrier AT&T Mobility
Type Wireless, PCS, Cellular
County Franklin
City Saint Louis Jefferson
Carrier Twilio International
Type VoIP
County Morgan
City Saint Louis Jefferson
Carrier Peerless Network
Type Landline
County Bollinger
City Saint Louis
Carrier Verizon Wireless
Type Wireless, PCS, Cellular
County Lewis
City Ewing
Carrier Mark Twain Rural Telephone Company
Type Landline

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